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asdfで利用可能なすべてのコマンドの一覧です。この一覧は、asdf helpコマンドで表示されるテキストです。

asdf plugin add <name> [<git-url>]      Add a plugin from the plugin repo OR,
                                        add a Git repo as a plugin by
                                        specifying the name and repo url
asdf plugin list [--urls] [--refs]      List installed plugins. Optionally show
                                        git urls and git-ref
asdf plugin list all                    List plugins registered on asdf-plugins
                                        repository with URLs
asdf plugin remove <name>               Remove plugin and package versions
asdf plugin update <name> [<git-ref>]   Update a plugin to latest commit on
                                        default branch or a particular git-ref
asdf plugin update --all                Update all plugins to latest commit on
                                        default branch

asdf current                            Display current version set or being
                                        used for all packages
asdf current <name>                     Display current version set or being
                                        used for package
asdf help <name> [<version>]            Output documentation for plugin and tool
asdf install                            Install all the package versions listed
                                        in the .tool-versions file
asdf install <name>                     Install one tool at the version
                                        specified in the .tool-versions file
asdf install <name> <version>           Install a specific version of a package
asdf install <name> latest[:<version>]  Install the latest stable version of a
                                        package, or with optional version,
                                        install the latest stable version that
                                        begins with the given string
asdf latest <name> [<version>]          Show latest stable version of a package
asdf latest --all                       Show latest stable version of all the
                                        packages and if they are installed
asdf list <name> [version]              List installed versions of a package and
                                        optionally filter the versions
asdf list all <name> [<version>]        List all versions of a package and
                                        optionally filter the returned versions
asdf set [-u] [-p] <name> <versions...> Set a tool version in a .tool-version in
                                        the current directory, or a parent
asdf uninstall <name> <version>         Remove a specific version of a package
asdf where <name> [<version>]           Display install path for an installed
                                        or current version
asdf which <command>                    Display the path to an executable

asdf exec <command> [args...]           Executes the command shim for current version
asdf env <command> [util]               Runs util (default: `env`) inside the
                                        environment used for command shim execution.
asdf info                               Print OS, Shell and ASDF debug information.
asdf version                            Print the currently installed version of ASDF
asdf reshim <name> <version>            Recreate shims for version of a package
asdf shimversions <command>             List the plugins and versions that
                                        provide a command
